Now that you know what pages are in WordPress, you should create at least an “About” page for your site. Whatever kind of site you are trying to build, an About page gives you the opportunity to tell us about who you are and about your goals for the site it is a good thing to have.
Creating a new page in WordPress is straightforward. From your administration dashboard simply move your mouse to the “Pages” option on the left-hand menu. If you let your mouse hover over the word “Pages” you should get a menu of options related to “Pages” including “All Pages” and “Add New”. You can either click on “Add New” from this pop up menu or you can simply click on “Pages” to load the full pages administration area and click the “Add New” button there. All of the main menus in WordPress have these hover menus for the most often used commands.
When you create a new page you are dropped into an edit window very similar to the one for creating a new post. The main difference is in the menu bar on the right hand side of the screen. Instead of being able to add categories and tags as you would to a Post, Pages have the option to set a “parent” and “template”. Setting a page as the “parent” will make your new page show up to visitors as a menu item underneath that “parent” page. Changing the page template lets you change visual styles for individual posts, though the options you have may depend on your theme and you will likely only have a few basic options per site.
You have the same option to view a preview of your page as you would with a post, as well as the ability to save a draft before publishing it so feel free to experiment with the different options here. When you have published your post take a look at your main site to see where your new page is displayed. Unless you have a very unusual theme, your new page will have been automatically added to the main menu of your site. If you want to change how that menu is displayed or modify any of the rest of your site’s style now that you see where pages are listed, head back to the “Customize” tool explained in Session 3.